
Showing posts from 2007

An Aquarian

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Water Bearer. Aquarius individuals are intelligent, progressive and independent. With Uranus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are free-thinking and unconventional. They will fight avidly for the rights of others. Likes - friendship, freedom, intellectual stimulation, camaraderie, surprises, heavy drinking, companionship, feeling understood, emotional safety. Dislikes - jealousy, possessiveness, control, ego plays, pointless meetings, narrow-mindedness, being ridiculed, routines, fighting/violence, inequality, being taken for granted. The Aquarius Man Aquarian men may seem distant and unapproachable or warm and welcoming. They have charisma and can draw people to them. Despite their intelligence and creativity, they are not difficult to know. Though dedicated to making their personal lives a success, they are usually focused on something greater. They care about a numb

Message In A Bottle

This is a story of a guy who wrote letters to her dead wife telling her how much he missed her in his life. Letter 1 Dear Catherine: I’m sorry I haven't talked to you in so long. I feel I’ve been lost no bearings, no compass. I kept crashing into things, a little crazy, I guess. I’ve never been lost before. You were my true north. I could always steer for home when you were my home. Forgive me for being so angry when you left. I still think some mistake's been made and I’m waiting for God to take it back. But I’m doing better now. The work helps me. Most of all, you help me. You came into my dream last night with that smile that always held me like a lover rocked me like a child. All I remember from the dream is a feeling of peace. I woke up with that feeling and tried to keep it alive as long as I could. I'm writing to tell you that I’m on a journey toward that peace. And to tell you I’m sorry about so many things. I 'm sorry I didn’t take better care of you so you n

It's time to say GoodBye !!!

I always hated Goodbyes. This is the most painful thing for me to handle. When after spending so much time together, one person has to leave the other person, then this moment of goodbye is the most heart breaking moment to experience. It might not be for you but it’s for me, for sure. Life is very unpredictable, you never know when you say someone goodbye will you ever be able to see that person again or not. This hurting feeling is not about that I am going to miss that person’s presence that is leaving, it’s just that the wonderful moments we have shared might never occur again in this lifetime. Those memories will remain memories and those moments are gone forever. Well, that’s the tragedy of life that it has to move on and every person sooner or later has to leave and has to go in his or her path of life. Anyways, with the departure of every person from our lives there is always an arrival of next person, that’s what I believe. And may be the people who left just made a room for a

Googling "Arfan Ameer"

Have you every googled yourself up ? Have you ever seen whether people can find you on internet or not ? How many guys with the same name with that of yours exist on net world ? well, I have googled myself. There is only one "Arfan Ameer" in net world so far and that one is me. Don't you believe it ? Come... have a look !!! check this out GOOOooooogling Arfan Ameer...

Yaar Ko Humne Ja Ba Ja Dekha !!!

Manum maanay azmandi k be tonay yaazdaanran Ghum-e-choon to naaz ni ni behizaar naaz-daran Kohe-e- afataab-e-chashman wa jamaal toos to roshan Ager astobazgeeram bad bay chashm-e-raazgaaran "I am needful person, who needs you I will take for granted very dearly the sorrow of a beloved like you You are light of my eyes and your face is shining If I giveup you , to whom I ll go" Yaar Ko Humne Ja Ba Ja Dekha Kahin Zahir Kahin Chupa Dekha Kahin Mumkin Hua Kahin Wajib Kahin Fani Kahin Baqa Dekha Kahin Woh Baadshah e Takht Nashin Kahin Kasa Liye Gada Dekha Kahin Woh Dar Libaas e Mashuqan Bar Sar e Naaz Aur Ada Dekha Kahin Ashiq Niyaz Ki Surat Seena Bariyaan O Dil Jala Dekha !!! Hazrat Shah Niaz

I want to Sleep

Its past mid-night; I went to bed but couldn’t sleep. I tried a lot but certain random thoughts ran in to my mind and they are not letting me to sleep; the thoughts of my country, my religion and my future all of them are running endlessly in my mind and it is giving me headache; seriously. The current chaos, which we are facing from last some months, or perhaps years or may be decades. There is very much unpredictability about the future of this country. In spite of all odds, it’s still surviving after 60 years. From past 10 years, since I became mature enough to establish my own personal opinion about various issues, I felt that the future of this country always seemed to be drizzling. One after another there are political, social and economic disorders. Infact these disorders exists from the very beginning, and I believe it will continue to be so till end. I am neither hopeful nor hopeless regarding the future of this country. God has given us this country, He will protect it. So n

A Lost Memory...

When I was in class 1, there was a girl in my class. She was very introvert kind of girl and used to speak little. Look-wise she was average, brown skin, short black hairs till shoulders and a normal slim built. She was an intelligent girl and always stood first in class academically. Her elder brother also studied in the same school and they both come with their mom on car to school. I used to secretly admire her, but have never spoken to her. I even devise new ways to impress her. Sometimes I feel sad for that girl, since she doesn’t have many friends and mostly appeared to be lonely. I don’t know whether I pity her or love her... but she is the first girl to be in my earliest memories. After 1 class, her section was changed and I lost the touch. However, in class 4, we were class-fellows again. This time I came to know about her more deeply. I was still confused about my feelings for her even then. I and she were competitors in academic race. I used to stand first in class from boys

1/3 of My Life...

During the final days of my undergraduate course, I received a forwarded email from my friend regarding a job advertisement at a software house. He asked me to apply there. I made my resume and applied there and forgot. Some days later, I received an interview call from that company. I was completely blank about that company. I surfed on web and searched for information about it. There is a beautiful building on Jail Road named “EFU House”. It was one of the most beautiful buildings of Lahore in that time. Whenever I used to see that building, I always thought whether I will be ever be able to go into that building. Luckily that software house was situated in that building. At least, one of my wish came true. I went there. The time was around 4:00 pm. I introduced myself to the receptionist and she asked me to wait. That was my first ever job interview so it was un-anticipated for me. The receptionist had a chit chat with me, she asked me about myself and when I told her it was my fir

A Man with no Answers...

This discomfort has been growing inside from past 3 years. The desire to achieve, the passion to strive something in order to make my life and the world around me more meaningful, is becoming more and more aggressive day by day. What is this passion? What is this desire? Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers. I am still disillusioned. With every passing moment, it is becoming more and more worst. I don’t know what is missing from my life. Apparently, there seems to be nothing which I don’t have. I have enough money to spend on my luxuries. I have a good job, ideal family, great friends, but still something is missing. It’s not like missing some person or not having any love life, it is something else. Sometimes I think, may be it’s the monotonous life that I am having is bothering me. May be the same daily routine of my life is feeding this discomfort. But still I am no alien. In one way or another, every person’s life is monotonous. A laborer has to do same work whole day for each s

A Public Service Message...

Obesity has become more like a disease in recent times. One in every four people in world is suffering from it. Many new weight reducing drugs and exercise machines are popping into market regularly, each claiming to be more effective than the previous one, with no side-effects. Whenever you switch on television, on every other channel there is an advertisement of such products playing on. But are these drugs and machines effective? Are they providing long term solution or just cause temporary weight reduction? What will happen if you discontinue using these products? These questions should be answered first before using any of these. Primarily, adoption of fast-food culture and having tech-dependent lifestyle with less physical exertion are classified as the major root causes of obesity. Therefore, it’s better to switch to natural ways of dealing with obesity rather than using artificial ways which may not guarantee you long-term solution. Having a controlled diet with less sugar, sof

Only Hope floats in the Deep end of the Ocean...

There are some quotes which have always inspired me throughout. These quotes have always given me the courage and hope to fight against all the difficulties and odds in my journey of life. Read them, may be they will gave you the same strength and hope, as they have given to me. "The journey of thousand miles begins with a single step." "You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose the sight of the shore." "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."


Few days ago I celebrated my 25th birthday. It’s now been 25 official years, since I landed in this world. It just seemed like yesterday when I was a kid. It just feels like last Thursday, when I used to wait for my favorite cartoon show on television. It just seems like last Wednesday, when my English school teacher has given me an assignment to do. It just looks like last Friday, when I used to hurry back to home from my college, so that I can read my Jumma prayers in a mosque situated nearby my house. It just appears to be last Tuesday, when I used have a hectic university schedule. 25 years of life; so many memories; so many people: family, friends, fellows, strangers... Some were good and have made positive impact on my life... Some made negative; so many incidents; ups and downs; the reminiscences of joy, carefree, freedom and memoirs of sadness, pessimism, betrayals; My life wasn’t been perfect as I used to desire for. There were many imperfections left during this course. I mos

A Joy to Share

I have a little believe. It is: “If there is something written in your destiny: if its written that you will achieve fortune in shape of either success or a special person or any riches of world, then you will get it in life. When? Well, it all depends on you when will you get it. Life will show you two paths. You have to choose one of them. That path can either shortens your distance or may be it prolongs it. But you will definitely meet your destiny sooner or later”. Sometimes some things come in life late. They don’t arrive when you have wanted them to. However when they do come, then the joy of having them is greater than the joy of the having them then. Let me share one of such experience of my life today. I graduated from my university in 2003. My batch was pioneer batch of my university in the subject I chosen. I have a distinction in my batch for scoring the highest CGPA. I was expected to receive the gold medal and roll of honor as recognition of this achievement, but alas on

How do you mend a broken heart ?

I once got this in a mail. I just want to share it with you here. May be it will help you if you are in need ;) We get a lot of prayer requests asking to simply pray for their broken heart.So what do you do when you've got a broken heart?Here are four steps that will help you up that mountain. 1. Occupy 2. Gratify 3. Sanctify 4. Glorify. Occupy :Occupy your time, don't sit around moping. Do something. Idleness is the soil of self-pity and depression. Get busy. The best thing that you can do is to do something that helps others. It's a universal principle that when you start focusing on helping others, your own problems are diminished.Don't just stand there, DO SOMETHING! Gratify :Write a list of the things you like, then pick three of those things and put those things in your life - now. Make sure you can afford them and that they aren't harmful. When our hearts are broken, we often deprive ourselves of the things we enjoy. Make an effort to put enjoyment in your l

Excerpts from "The Notebook" by NICHOLAS SPARKS

My life? It isn't easy to explain. It has not been the rip-roaring spectacular I fancied it would be, but neither have I burrowed around with the gophers. I suppose it has most resembled a blue-chip stock: fairly stable, more ups than downs, and gradually trending upward over time. A good buy, a lucky buy, and I've learned that not everyone can say this about his life. But do not be misled. I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. The romantics would call this a love story, the cynics would call it a tragedy. In my mind it's a little bit of both, and no matter how you choose to view it in the end, it does not change the fact that it involves a great deal of my life and the path I've chosen to follow. I have no complaints about my pa

The Prologue from the book, The Alchemist...

The Alchemist picked up a book that someone in the caravan had brought. Leafing through the pages, he found a story about Narcissus. The alchemist knew the legend of Narcissus, a youth who daily knelt beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty. He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, he fell into the lake and drowned. At the spot where he fell, a flower was born, which was called the narcissus. But this was not how the author of the book ended the story. He said that when Narcissus died, the Goddesses of the Forest appeared and found the lake, which had been fresh water, transformed into a lake of salty tears. "Why do you weep?" the Goddesses asked. "I weep for Narcissus," the lake replied. "Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus," they said, "for though we always pursued him in the forest, you alone could contemplate his beauty close at hand." "But..... was Narcissus beautiful?" the lake asked. "Who better t

Bye Bye 2006 - A New Day Has Come

Today is 01 January 2007 and the time showing on my pc is 10:03 am. It’s the first day of New Year and also there is another special occasion too. Today is Eid-ul-Azha. I just have finished texting messages to all the people in my contact list and now finally I found some ample time to spend on my pc. I could feel that today will be quite a busy day. I am going to meet all the relatives and friends. Also soon qurbani will be started. But still I guess I have time to write something from my heart again. Since yesterday was the last day of the previous year, in night on my way to sleep I was thinking about the previous year. Recounting all the memorable events of 2006, which were either good or bad and had affected me in any way. I was thinking how much of my life was changed in that year. 2006 year started on a good node. I had many hopes and dreams for the New Year. Professionally it was a kick back start and I was shifted to a new project, quite challenging and exciting. During

Tour 2006

As promise, here are some of the beautiful pictures of the tour. Hope you like them. To publish them i have re-sized these pictures. However if you like any of these pictures and want to have them in their original size you can ask me. A Walk in Clouds Four of US River Neelum Breathless Rise of Morning Snakey Curves

3 Days in 8 Places

I am writing this blog while sitting in my office. Even tough I don’t have anything in particular in my mind at this time to write about, but still I would continue with something. Umm..mmm.. I love traveling. I like to see new places, experience new cultures and meet with people from different environments. In Pakistan, you can find many beautiful landscapes where culture, environment, language all are different. Once a year at least, I do travel outside of my city to explore different places within my country. Last year August, I went with my brother, cousin and cousin’s friend on a tour. We all went to Murree and its surrounding areas. We started our journey at 9 pm and headed to Islamabad via Daewoo bus. The bus entertained us with “Matrix Revolutions”. I haven’t seen the movie before, neither I intend to see it that time :P Meanwhile I passed my time while listening to the songs and by sleeping. We reached at Islamabad past mid-night. We took a taxi and reached Murree around 4 am.

Great Expectations

It’s one of my favorite movies. Though I have read the novel but I like the movie better than the novel. The whole execution of the movie is awesome. From actors to dialogues to music to visuals, the movie do touches the heart. Synopsis It’s a story of Finn; a modest guy falling in love with a rich girl. Throughout his childhood he loved Estella, but he was never sure whether she loves him or not. One day a secret benefactor helps him to achieve his dream of pursuing a career as a painter in New York. Finn believed, it had to be Estella and her aunt Miss Dinsmoor who has been guardian of Estella throughout.; since Finn poorness was the only reason why he can’t marry Estella; therefore they have been helping him. But on the day of his success, Estella marries another guy leaving Finn heart broken. And Finn realized all this expectations were false. He was seeing the life the way he wants to see, not what actually it was. And the secret benefactor was a criminal whom he helped once in