1/3 of My Life...

During the final days of my undergraduate course, I received a forwarded email from my friend regarding a job advertisement at a software house. He asked me to apply there. I made my resume and applied there and forgot. Some days later, I received an interview call from that company. I was completely blank about that company. I surfed on web and searched for information about it. There is a beautiful building on Jail Road named “EFU House”. It was one of the most beautiful buildings of Lahore in that time. Whenever I used to see that building, I always thought whether I will be ever be able to go into that building. Luckily that software house was situated in that building. At least, one of my wish came true. I went there. The time was around 4:00 pm. I introduced myself to the receptionist and she asked me to wait. That was my first ever job interview so it was un-anticipated for me. The receptionist had a chit chat with me, she asked me about myself and when I told her it was my first interview, she wished me good luck. Her kind gesture made me feel better. After that, I went for interview. It went okay and I came back and forgot. During those days, I was busy in my final project, so I couldn’t find much time to apply to other places for job. Also, doing job was not on my mind as I want to do masters and have applied in LUMS for that. I have made my mind to do teaching after completion of degree. After some weeks, I got second interview call from that company. I went and gave the interview. It was an okay interview, neither good nor bad. Meanwhile, my final project was completed and I was waiting for my result. I was about to start my job hunt. However, after some weeks, I got a third interview call from the same company. After some days of my third interview, I got a call from HR and I was told that I have been selected. I was called to discuss the contract and salary. The package they offered was quite decent and acceptable. I accepted the offer.

1 April 2004, was my first day at work. It took first some weeks to adjust in 9-6 routine and in new environment. The company was far better than my expectations. It had a very cool work environment. In the meanwhile, I got admission in LUMS for MS in CS programme. It was evident that I would do masters, but there was a choice, either to leave company and do masters or to do masters along with job. I have couple of months to decide which option to take and I left it on time. During my job, after having discussions with colleagues and doing some of my analysis, I realized that doing masters might not be a feasible way to go. I would be coming to same job after masters. Doing masters might not do any good for my work, except it will earn me a degree after having spent 1.5 years and 250,000 bucks. Inspite, in professional life experience matters most than the degree. Also, if I want to pursue further studies, then MBA would be best. So I dropped the idea of joining LUMS. Many months were passed; time moved on. A feeling started growing inside me, regarding work dissatisfaction. The work was quite different from what I have thought in my college days it would be. Remaining aloof from outside world, just confined to your PC and cabin whole day was not certainly my idea of job. The only escape I could think of then was doing MBA, but it needed time and money. I have to wait for more months. On the other side, the company was facing major financial problems. They were unable to pay salaries to staff.

At the end in February 2005, I resigned from my first job and decided to wait for my verdict of LUMS MBA admission application. Side by side, without much effort, I got another job offer. This time, the company was new and infant. It was started by my Project Manager of previous company. I joined REDMATH (PVT) LIMITED. After few months, I was informed that my application to LUMS MBA was rejected. Meanwhile, the regular raise in my salary and promotions helped me to heal that pain. Another year passed, and the job dissatisfaction was diminished, as I was pretty much occupied with work. In fact, I was enjoying work a lot. Being financial independent and spending money without ever thinking how much you have in wallet is an awesome feeling. Having parties with friends, buying whatever I like and dinning in some of the expensive places, all this was quite addictive. Next year I again applied to LUMS MBA, this time I prayed to God, if there is any good in it only then He should get me into LUMS otherwise I don’t need it. I got rejected once again. Allah doesn’t want me to do MBA from LUMS. OK, I accepted the will of God. I continued with my merry feelings. However, I felt regret of not doing masters. I regreted why I have refused admission in MS. I should have completed it. Education always makes a difference, even if it lasts for a day.

Some months ago, I could feel that the same old dissatisfaction is wakening inside me once again. Now, leaving job might not be a good idea because of earning handful of amount. I agree money has corrupted my mind and heart, as it does to most of us. Now, I have some other ways open in front of me but I don’t know what future holds for my career. Let’s see what happens next.


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