An Aquarian

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Water Bearer. Aquarius individuals are intelligent, progressive and independent. With Uranus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are free-thinking and unconventional. They will fight avidly for the rights of others.

Likes - friendship, freedom, intellectual stimulation, camaraderie, surprises, heavy drinking, companionship, feeling understood, emotional safety.
Dislikes - jealousy, possessiveness, control, ego plays, pointless meetings, narrow-mindedness, being ridiculed, routines, fighting/violence, inequality, being taken for granted.

The Aquarius Man
Aquarian men may seem distant and unapproachable or warm and welcoming. They have charisma and can draw people to them. Despite their intelligence and creativity, they are not difficult to know. Though dedicated to making their personal lives a success, they are usually focused on something greater. They care about a number of issues -- politics, the environment, the economy -- and believe they can make a difference.

Aquarius Information
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Planetary ruler: Uranus
Birthstone: Amethyst
Flower: Orchid
Color: AquaKey
characteristic: Iconoclastic
Strengths: Humanitarian, modern, analytical
Challenges: Unreliable, extremist, chaotic

Aquarians born on February 14
Aquarians born on February 14 are high-strung, interesting people who possess analytical intelligence that allows them to tackle complex problems without losing sight of the practical side issues. Their verbal skills are considerable. They have an edgy charm that makes them irresistible.

You should embrace: Imagination, romance, sophistication
You should avoid: Mental exhaustion, prejudice, false hope

Friends and Lovers
People born on February 14 attract the spotlight. Friendship is easy for them, and so they may not work at it diligently. Romance is another area of life where they shine. They are more likely to fall passionately in love than others of their sign.

Children and Family
February 14 natives often grow up in an unconventional family. As parents, they encourage their children to take chances and follow their own path. Drawing on the best of their upbringing, they provide a creative environment for their youngsters.

Mental stress and strain will have a negative impact on the health of most February 14 people. When relaxed and worry-free, they feel great. But when they experience pressure, they are likely to experience nightmares or sleeplessness, headaches, nausea, or simple fatigue. They aren't devotees of exercise but do enjoy sports.

Career and Finances
People born on February 14 are interested in careers that don't demand too much time and effort. Money is another matter. Even those who don't have financial resources behave as though they were born to the silk. Credit card bills can be a problem if they aren't careful.
Dreams and Goals
February 14 natives are not especially goal-oriented but do have a passion for pursuing their dreams. Their optimism makes them believe that anything worthwhile can -- and eventually will -- happen. If a cherished wish is not fulfilled, they refuse to look at it as a failure or setback; they find another dream to chase.


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