
I earlier thought that I would be voting for Imran Khan in the coming elections. But now I have decided I won’t be voting for anyone. It’s not like that I am in favour or against any particular political party or personality. It’s just that I do not support the idea of democrazy (democracy) anymore. I am very much against the idea of men ruling over men, whether in the form of aristocracy or democracy. Democracy is more suitable for welfare states where government officials have high moral values and have strict accountability. But in third world countries like Pakistan, where governments are corrupt and ruthless and people are divided into different sects, races, and castes, and where more than half of the population is illiterate, their minds are always occupied with earning enough to buy bread for their family at the end of the day. In such societies, democracy is greatly abused by powerful people. Meritocracy can be a good alternative, meanwhile, for such states.


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