Five things you should learn in Life

Accept the realities of life and the world around you. Accept yourself and the people around you as they are. The sooner you accept it, the better it will be. Because once you start accepting things, then it will be easy to realise the changes to be made. It will only make you grow stronger and calmer. 

Be patient. Patience gives you calmness of mind and soul, and you will lead a more peaceful life. Things will happen in life when they have to be. Just do your best and give. Leave things to Allah. Acting hastily or getting tense will only ruin things. 

Treat everyone with respect. Whether they are your parents, spouse, siblings, or other family members, even if they are your servants. Give respect to everyone Respect your work as well as your body and the obligations you have in life. 

Learn to forgive people. Don’t hold back the grudges or allow the feeling of revenge to grow inside you; it will only make you bitter. Forgiveness will make you a better human being. 

Have faith in yourself and God. Believe that everything happens for a reason. And sooner or later, the tough time will pass. In that course, never let your belief be shaken.


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