
Showing posts from January, 2009

Five things you should learn in Life

Acceptance  Accept the realities of life and the world around you. Accept yourself and the people around you as they are. The sooner you accept it, the better it will be. Because once you start accepting things, then it will be easy to realise the changes to be made. It will only make you grow stronger and calmer.  Patience  Be patient. Patience gives you calmness of mind and soul, and you will lead a more peaceful life. Things will happen in life when they have to be. Just do your best and give. Leave things to Allah. Acting hastily or getting tense will only ruin things.  Respect  Treat everyone with respect. Whether they are your parents, spouse, siblings, or other family members, even if they are your servants. Give respect to everyone Respect your work as well as your body and the obligations you have in life.  Forgiveness  Learn to forgive people. Don’t hold back the grudges or allow the feeling of revenge to grow inside you; it will only make you bitter. Forgiveness will make y

Bye Bye 2008 - I Wish...

Today is the first day of the year 2009. 2008 has gone. The year 2008 was one of the most happening years of my life. It was a year of fulfilment of wishes and goodbyes.   The year started with goodbyes. In the first month, my sister left for the UK. days after one of my very good workplace friends left for the UK for higher education. Several weeks after another of my workplace friends went to Australia for immigration, I don’t have any other friends left in my workplace. These two friends were with me for quite some time. A month later, my only friend from my FC College days also left the country and got a job in the UAE. So I could say that in the first few months, all the friends I had left the country for good. I am left with a few friends in Pakistan now. The initial 3 months have been the months of good byes. And I am never fond of goodbyes. But I guess life doesn’t end with the departure of someone. It always moves on, and so a lot of new people were waiting for me to meet t