I, Me, Myself

Just another post about the person I am.

I have Abstract thoughts. I am a person who absorbs a lot from his environment. The people around me; the situations around me, influence me and mold me. I have split personalities. One side of me is somewhat reserved and doesn’t open up much with people. This part is socially shy and feels uncomfortable in public comprising of strangers. Whereas the second part contrasts deeply with the first one. It makes me extrovert and endlessly exuberant. It all depends on the company I am having. This makes me weird but I am born with it, cant help. I love to read people and am a silent observer of people and situations. You can say I am a bit abnormal person in this so-called normal world. I mostly like to be contained in myself and always prefer to achieve or do things on my own. I am honest and controversial in my thoughts which are hardly appreciated by others therefore I just keep them to myself. I am a very optimistic person. If I couldn’t get something I wanted, I would not lose hope. I would regard it as something, which might not be any worth to me at the moment, and if it is of any worth to me, I will find it later in my life. This makes me a believer of destiny. Now it all depends which route we take; the longer one or the shorter one. I am bit weak ethically and morally, even though I try hard to be best in my ethics and moral beliefs, but a certain quotient of deficiency is always left, which always makes me feel guilty at the end. My brain and heart both are quite strong enough to make decisions. In most of the people, either of them have the caliber of making a decision but in my case I have both to do the honors. The tragedy is nearly every time, they both decide in opposite direction to that of each other, which confuses me and sometimes I end up with a wrong decision and regret is what I meet up with afterwards. I am a freedom lover and am rebellious when restricted. I don’t like myself to get bind with one situation or with one place or with one person for a longer period of time. I like to discover myself periodically and want to experience new things in life and to learn new things in life.

I might not be the friend who is willing to give his life for his friend. But I am quite honest in my friendship. I would certainly love to listen my friends and I always try to give honest advices to them. I can help them in any possible way, which I can. For me if you are my friend then you are my friend for lifetime. I like my friends to be part of my life forever.

I have been confused all those years for what I wanted to be. Either to be a doctor or an artist or an astronaut or an engineer or a chartered accountant or a scientist or a CSS officer or a teacher or a computer engineer; I was never sure what I want to be. But still I don’t have any regrets. I have been in a good shape of my career right now with good bucks. In Pakistan, earning good bucks matter, what work you do, doesn’t. But the best thing is that you work what you wanted to do and earn good bucks with it; but it hardly happens. Money corrupts our minds and interests and career. Anyhow I have some dreams regarding my career and I am quite passionate about them. But that thing will take time but I know, that’s what for which I am born for and ultimately I will land up there soon InshAllah.


serenity said…
The tragedy is nearly every time, they both decide in opposite direction to that of each other, which confuses me and sometimes I end up with a wrong decision and regret is what I meet up with afterwards. :D
serenity said…
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serenity said…
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