Bye Bye 2007 - All Work and Little Play

I am pretty late in putting down my memories of 2007. Let me begin with it. The first 5 months of 2007 have been extremely busy and rough for professionally. There was a lot of workload and pressure, which I had to bear during these months. But things started to get smooth later. Professionally I got advanced in this year. But it was not the only things I got this year. I also got the executive membership of Shapes, which is a renowned health club of Lahore and once again after 3 years I started to take care of my body. I lost 7 Kilos and at last have been able to shed all the unwanted flab, which I had been trying to do from past 3 years. I also got job at a company in US and I got selected in H1B, which is quota assigned by US government for overseas workers.

My childhood best friend got a job in UAE in second half of 2007 and left the country. In December, my sister came from UK after 3 years with her family. It was a wonderful time with her. My brother got married in December, so it was quite a busy month for me. Fun-filled and treasured moments I got in that course of time.  One of admirers of my blog also got married in December.

In short, this year was dedicated most to my work. There was not much things on personal life that happened this year.


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