My Dairy - A Walk Of Life

I have always believed in destiny. I believe that it's already been written in our fate book that in the voyage of life, what will be our harbour, and very few people in life actually reach there. It is now up to us to decide which route we will take to get to our destination. In every walk of life, we have two choices: Either to advance or to impede... Either to turn right or to turn left... Either to be patient and wait or to just get it... Either to consider or to address... Either to give or to take ... Either fear or hope — we have two options in front of us, each leading to opposite ends of the spectrum. Our future depends on the way that we decide to adopt.

Every action we take, which is the result of our decision, determines the distance between our terminal and us. With each decision, you either shorten or lengthen the distance between you and your destination. Therefore, it's very important in life to make the right choice at the right time.

There's a quote that I have always loved. It says, "In life, we go straight and turn right." I believe this quote very much, because a straight line is the shortest space that we have to pass through to reach our station. And whenever there is a moment to make a resolution, always choose the right direction. Maybe choosing the right thing will be difficult at that moment and the circumstances that follow it will be hard-hitting, but one thing is for sure, it will make you accomplish things more swiftly.


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