
Showing posts from 2015

Lost and Found

For quite some time, I have been having this feeling that I have lost something. What exactly was it? I am unable to find it. However, I do remember the very first time I had this feeling. I absolutely have no clue, even if I think hard to remember what apparently made me dwell on it. But it seems like that thing that was very dear to me got lost inside me. On the flip side, I have found something which has now become dear to me. Perhaps what was lost has been compensated for by what was gained, as if a farewell for one is a welcome for the other. I have found the above post in my drafts. I wrote this in May 2010. That feeling of loss has been subdued now and I barely remember that feeling. However, I have lost another thing from inside me. This happened sometime during the second half of 2013. I feel that I have lost my passion in life. I have accepted the fact that people cannot remain the same forever. Everyone has their highs and lows. Everyone has some good and bad qualities. It

2014: A year in review – Adjusting to the Routine and then breaking it...

It’s already been mid-year and I haven’t made any reminiscences of last year. 2014 was a diverse year. I was in Pakistan when 2014 started. I flew back to Sydney in mid-January. After coming back, the first few weeks left me emotionally drained. However, things got better afterwards. The first half of the year was quite slow and monotonous. I started to get used to the routine, something that had been missing from my life in the past few years. My usual work and home life kept me busy. The only thing that made the first half worthwhile was that I finally started exploring Sydney's surroundings. There is nothing significant about that part of the year to share on my blog. However, the second half of the year kept me very busy, and it broke my routine. I would share that part here. So it all started in June when I was told that by the end of next month, I would be released from the project on which I had been working for the past 1.5 years. My company didn’t have any other projects