
Showing posts from December, 2012

Maths of Life

I am a strong believer in Makafat-e-amal. I believe everyone faces the consequences of their actions in their lives. What goes around comes around. If you intentionally hurt someone or harm someone emotionally, physically, mentally, or financially, then sooner or later you will also face that pain. If you are the source of happiness for someone, then someday someone else will provide you with happiness. Life always does its maths and gives the results, even in the end. I have faced it. This is sometimes the only thing that keeps me from exacting vengeance on those who have wronged me. I try to forgive people and rest my case in the hands of Allah. Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed. The true faces of people are exposed, and everyone is rewarded and punished for their actions. I always try to be true to people and help them selflessly with good intentions and with everything I have, because I know that sooner or later, I will be rewarded for that. It is difficult to forgive peo