
Showing posts from May, 2009

Brain Drain

  (I presented this topic as a part of my communication skills course last year.)   "Brain drain" means the emigration of trained and talented individuals to other nations. The reason for leaving the homeland could be any of these. First, going abroad for higher education Second reason could be that the person wants a better job. The opportunities in his country are limited, and he is unable to earn good money for his living. Third, the country's worsening political, social, or economic conditions compelled him to make this decision. Fourth, there are family issues. Fifth, one of the causes of brain drain could be travel. Sixth, health risks could be the cause. Finally, you despise being in your home country. Many developed nations have immigration and work permit programmes in order to attract talented and skilful  people to their countries. In return, they promise them a better life, security and opportunities that they don’t find in their own countr