
Showing posts from June, 2008

Only an Ocean away...

It was my first visit to any foreign country. I have never been out of Pakistan ever. Also, I have never been away from my home for more than 3-4 days. This time I was going to Amsterdam with one of my colleague for a whole month for office work. I wasn't sure how would this month will pass like. Will I be able to survive the homesickness or not? How quickly and easily will I adopt and understand the norms of the new country? What if some mishap happens to my luggage or any document or me? I have nothing in my mind and was completely blank regarding everything. My whole family came to see me off at the airport. I easily felt embarrassed when people pay attention to me publicly and I am not comfortable with that. But anyhow I surpassed it and went ahead for a journey which was an ocean away. My first day in Amsterdam was quite interesting. As soon as I went out of airport, the first thought that came in my mind was “It is nice”. We took taxi “which was “Mercedes” and went to our ho